Dokumentus Siguransa Ingles
Timor-Leste Economic Report From Resources to Results: Transforming Public Spending to High Growth, Published : January 2025
Security Sector Reform and Sustainable Development Goal 16 Human Security Advocates (HSA)
SAS Report 2024 ATT Indo-Pacific The Arms Trade Treaty in the Indo-Pacific Region, Published: August 2024
EAST TIMOR’S SECURITY CHALLENGES Military Science Academy, 26 nov 2021
PBC Ambassadorial-level meeting on Timor-Leste 26 Sep 2022
TIMOR LESTE STUDIES ASSOCIATION MAILING LIST, Sara Niner. 2022. Gender relations and the establishment of the LGBT movement in TimorLeste, Women’s Studies International Forum, 9
Ex-leader urges Timor-Leste to adopt papal fraternity deal, Ryan Dagur, Jakarta, Published: November 26, 2021 07:33 AM GMT
Navies of 21 countries kick off US-led drills in Southeast Asia, 11 Aug 2021
9th Mission Support Command Soldiers Deliver Medical Supplies to Timor-Leste. DILI, EAST TIMOR,
Story by Sgt. Teresa Cantero, 08.01.2021
The TLPDP has built a Tactics Training Center to UEP, pdf. Journalist: Camilio de Sousa, Editor: Rafy Belo, July 6, 2021
New crime-fighting network to help ASEAN tackle cross-border cases, pdf. KOJI NOZAWA, Asia business news editor of Nikkei Asia, March 12, 2021 12:10 JST
Timor-Leste-Holds-First-Inter-Agency-Coordination-Group-on-Border-Management.pdf PRESS R E L E A S E — L O C A L, February 05, 2021
Australia’s security guarantee to Timor-Leste, By Graeme Dobell, 25 January 2021
Prabowo gives awards to Eurico Guterres, thousands of exEast Timor militia, By CNN Indonesia – December 16, 2020
Timor-Leste-Australia-Indonesia strengthening the trilateral cooperation, by TATOLI, December 15, 2020
A New Army Task Force in Oceania, By Staff Sgt. Solomon Navarro October 21, 2020
Forty-five years on, secrets of the Balibo atrocity haunt Australia, By Susan Connelly, October 16, 2020 — 12.00am
US lets Indonesia’s Prabowo off the hook, By John MCBETH
OCTOBER 12, 2020
A 65 of PNTL Commander Completed the training investigation, by TATOLI, 08 September 2020
BRIEFING NOTE Impact of COVID-19 on Security Sector Governance, by DCAF, May 2020
Submission to the RDTL Ministry of Justice, La’o Hamutuk, 16 June 2020
Policing Isn’t About Crime Control, WRITTEN BY:
Bardia Rahmani; a PhD candidate in the Political Science Dept. at Columbia and a freelance journalist & photographer, 02 June 2020.
NMCB-5 supports the National Institute of Health in Dili, Timor-Leste , By Builder 3rd Class Sierra Hall, 30 March 2020. Courtesy Story
Veterans and Heroes: The Militarised Male Elite in Timor-Leste, Sarah Niner, 29 Jan 2020 (Publised online)
Tackling Illegal Fishing on Timor’s Sth Coast, DILI, 22 November 2019 (TATOLI)
China’s navy is making friends in Dili,Mark Dodd, Oct 23, 2019
JICA-RI Working Paper, Yukako Sakabe Tanaka, No.169, March 2018, JICA Reseacrh Institute
Timor-Leste’s stolen children come home; Mary Aileen Bacalso, Manila Timor Leste
April 24, 2018
Delivery of Pacific Patrol Boats for Timor.pdf;MARITIME AND UNDERSEA WARFAR, April, 18, 2018
Pingtan Marine: A Fraud That Finances Human Trafficking and Poaching; May 10, 2017
Regional military co-operation strengthened under new deployment.pdf.05.09.2017.
Indonesia Finds Australian Military Training Materials Offensive
Indonesia Finds Australian Military Training Materials Offensive .pdf;WEDNESDAY, 04 JANUARY 2017, 18:38 WIB;”>
Draft Law on Preventing and Combating Human Trafficking approved in Parliament
Draft Law on Preventing and Combating Human Trafficking approved in Parliament.pdf;26 of october of 2016, 12:26h;
International Standards
on Drug Use Prevention
International Standards on Drug Use Prevention.pdf; Vienna, 2015;
World Drug Report
2014 World Drug Report 2014.pdf, New York, 2014;
Soldier survives years in jail cell Soldier survives years in jail cell. pdf; Brian Bennion, April 27, 2016;
Indonesia-Timor Leste to conduct joint survey on border dispute. pdf; Kupang (ANTARA News); February 01, 2016; (Reported by Yohanes Adrianus/Uu.INE/KR-BSR/F001)
Indonesian navy warship in Timor Leste for heatlh service mission.pdf; Surabaya, East Java (ANTARA News); January 31, 2016;
Indonesian navy warship in Timor Leste for heatlh service mission Indonesian navy warship in Timor Leste for heatlh service mission, pdf; Surabaya, East Java (ANTARA News), January 31, 2016
China’s Navy warships pay first visit to Timor-Leste, pdf;; Xinhua, January 16th, 2016;
CPLP Ministers of Interior and Home Affairs meet in Díli.pdf; Díli, October 27th, 2015
“Strategic Concept For the Defence and Security of The Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation”.pdf; Adopted by Heads of State and Government in Lisbon; 08 September of 2015
Indonesia’s military strategy in the invasion of East Timor.pdf; 07 September of 2015
Launching of the strategic concept for Defence and National Security (pdf);; Tue. 08 of September of 2015, 16:38h
US Navy Boosts Defense Ties With East Timor in Maritime Exercise US Navy Boosts Defense Ties With East Timor in Maritime Exercise (pdf); ;The Jakarta Post; August 27 2015, 6:03 PM
U.S. Marines, Timor-Leste Defence Force members wrap up Exercise Koa Moana 15.2 (pdf);; July 27-28.
The Millennium Development Goals The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015 (pdf); United Nations, 2015
U.S. Marines, Timor-Leste Defence Force members wrap up Exercise Koa Moana 15.2 (pdf);; 13 July 2015
The Fight Against The Tobacco Epidemic Is At A Critical Stage. Bolder, Urgent action is needed; 06 July 2015
World Drug Report 2015; United Nations, May 2015
U.S. Marines embark on the USNS Sacagawea to begin Exercise Koa Moana 15.2; 20 June 2015
Global Peace Index Report 2015; 19 June 2015
Local Leadership of Community Policing Practices in Timor-Leste (English); Nélson de Sousa C. Belo and Gobie Rajalingam; August 2014
THE EVOLUTION OF ISIS IN INDONESIA (pdf) – 24 September 201, IPAC, Report No.1
Complaints against the Police: A ‘Community Policing’ Perspective (pdf); Andrew J. Goldsmith; Faculty of Law, Monash University Victoria
Secretary Of State For Asean Affairs (pdf) – His Excellency Mr. Roberto Sarmento De Oliveira Soares; June 2013
Do as we Say, Not as We Do? Gender and Police Reform in Timor-Leste (pdf) – Henri Myrttinen
Bisoi—a veteran of Timor-Leste’s independence movement (pdf) – Dr. Sara Niner August 2011
Between Earth And Heaven: The Politics Of Gender (pdf) – Sara Niner 2012
Barlake : an exploration of marriage practices and issues of women’s status in Timor-Leste; (pdf) Sara Niner 2012
The Drug War in Mexico (Confronting a Shared Threat) (pdf) Council Foreign Relations (Center for Preventive action); Council Special Report No. 60; David A. Shirk; March 2011;
Report of Key Findings and Recommendations on the Rule of Law and Counter-Terrorism [.pdf] | World Justice Project Counter-Terrorism Expert Network | Katja LH Samuel, Nigel D White, and Ana María Salinas de Friás | Jan 2012
Institutionalizing Community Policing in Timor-Leste: Exploring the Politics of Police Reform [.pdf] | Nélson De Sousa C. Belo, Mark R. Koenig, Edited by Silas Everett | Occasional Paper No. 9 The Asia Foundation | Dec 2011
Timor-Leste’s Veterans: An Unfinished Struggle? [.pdf] | Crisis Group Asia Briefing No. 129 | 18th November 2011
Jane’s Intelligence Review Timor Fevereiru 2010 [.pdf] | Second Division: Police Military tensions remain in East Timor. Janes Intelligence Review February 2010, Sven Gunnar Simonsen
SSR_Timor-Leste_Peake_2010 [.pdf] | A Lot of Talk But Not A Lot of Action: The Difficulty of Implementing SSR in Timor-Leste | In Security Sector Reform in Challenging Environments. DCAF Yearbook. Eds. Hans Born and Albrecht Schnabel. LIT Verlag. | 2009
Timor-Leste The Dragon’s Newest Friend [.pdf] | Loro Horta | 2009
Lei 16-2008: Amending the Military Service Law [scribd]
Security Sector Reform Monitor [.pdf] | Timor-Leste Field Research by Nelson Belo, Director – Fundasaun Mahein | December 2009 (read more on Fundasaun Mahein’s blog)
The role of East Timor’s security institutions in national integration – and disintegration [.pdf] | Sven Gunnar Simonsen International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), Norway | Online publication date: 11 November 2009 S.G. Simonsen 2009
Handing back resposibility to the National Police of East Timor | Asia Report N°180 Crisis Group | December 2009 | Podcast
Crisis Group Slams UNMIT and UNPOL performance in Timor-Leste | TEMPO SEMANAL | December 2009
“Stability and Reform” Speech Secretary of State for Security [.pdf] | Fransisco Guterres about the reform of PNTL | Abril 2009
Draft National Priorities Matrix [.pdf] | Ministry of Defense and Security FALINTL-FDTL ho PNTL | 2010
Budget Defence & Security [.pdf] | Ministry of Defense and Security FALINTL-FDTL ho PNTL | 2010
F-FDTL would be deployed along TL-Indonesian borders [www] | Julio Tomas Pinto
F-FDTL commanders were only implicated [www] | Julio Tomas Pinto
UNPOL_to_PNTL_’handover’_2009: what exactly is being handed over? | Briefing paper Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum 2 October 2009 | Bu V.E. Wilson Nélson De Sousa C. Belo
Forca 2020: Falintil-FDTL [.pdf]
The Function and Role of F-FDTL in the National Defence of the Democratic Republic of East Timor [.doc]
King’s College
‘OPTION 3’ REVISITED [.pdf] | A critical assessment of how the choices made in the build up of Timor-Leste’s Security Sector contributed to the country’s political crisis in 2006 | KING’S COLLEGE LONDON , School of Social Science and Public Policy, War Studies Department, MA Conflict, Security and Development | Rodrigo Peixoto Moreira Penna | AUGUST 2009
Independent Study on Security Force Options for East Timor | King’s College London
United Nations
Ad hoc Parliamentary Committee Commission to Study the Report of the United Nations Independent Special Commission Inquiry for Timor-Leste [.pdf] | 9 December 2006
Security Sector Review in Timor-Leste [.pdf] | Project Document, United Nations | June 2008
“Improvisation and Confusion” from the Field [.pdf] | Security Sector Reform (SSR) and Peace Operations | United Nations | E. Rees | March 2006
Action Plans for Districts | 2009
UNPOL and PNTL gave these reports (below) to the donors in July 2009 when they made the decision to to start giving districts back to PNTL from UNPOL. These reports are summaries of the UNMIT/G-RDTL Joint Field Assessment Team (JFAT). They provide alot of information about administrative, logistical and professional problems inside PNTL. [all in .pdf except when otherwise noted]
Planu hahalok ba Distritu Aileu: Action Plan for Aileu District
Planu hahalok ba Distritu Ainaro: Action Plan for Ainaro
Planu hahalok ba Distritu Lautem: Action Plan for Lautem
Planu hahalok ba Distritu Manatuto: Action Plan for Manatuto
Planu hahalok ba Distritu Manufahi: Action Plan for Manufahi
Planu hahalok ba Distritu Oecusse: Action Plan for Oecusse
Rezumu ba Distritu hotu: A Summary of Action-Plans for Districts [.doc]
Country Report on Terrorism 2013 April 2014 (pdf)
After the buffaloes clash: moving from political violence to personal security in Timor-Leste